Thursday 3 November 2011


Rohan and I went to the see the psychologist (let's call him Dr M) yesterday. It was interesting. He asked questions, which was standard. Did a part of the IQ test and the results were surprising to me.

Rohan had a Cognitive Assessment done just before his 5th birthday last year. The test results show he has low average IQ (Performance) and Borderline (Full Scale IQ & Verbal). Borderline meaning he is borderline for mild intellectual disability. When I got those results, I was upset. I was also upset because the psychologist we saw back then said it was highly unlikely Rohan's IQ would increase if his language improves. Impossible was the word she used. 

Like I said, I was upset but I had to come to terms with it. I tried my best to make sure he was up to date with his literacy and numeracy. He does take time to learn new concepts but I was ok with repetition.

So anyway, when Dr M finished the IQ test yesterday, he said "Ok this is unusual". I was thinking "oh no, it's probably worst than i thought". He said Rohan actually came out average for majority of the test sections. Average?  I thought. How is that possible? And he goes on to tell me Rohan scored above average in Visual Perception (I think the one with the blocks that have 2 different colours on them) and Verbal Memory. And he said "I was blown away by that."

I was shocked surprised STUNNED. This time I asked "how is that possible when he scored low average and borderline last year?" He asked if Rohan is 6 years 3 months today, I said yes. He wanted to make sure he was doing the right test and the right score. He would like to do more tests just to confirm.

I think I looked like I was in disbelief or maybe worried. He said "that's a good thing, you know." I told him I know but I am still shocked and relieved at the same time. He said it doesn't mean he is out of the clear. His language difficulty is still a BIG issue and that will need constant attention.

I am surprised and a little unsure as well. I mean, could he have made a mistake? Possible. I guess I'll have to wait and see at the next appointment. In the meantime, I have a list of questions I want to ask him.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Great Outdoors

We are so lucky to be living in Australia. So many things to do in the Great Outdoors. 

The boys love being outside. They honestly have so much energy, I wonder where they get it from sometimes.

We were out and about over the weekend while the Queen was visiting. 

Honestly, my boys prefer running around outside looking for bugs, creepy crawlies or fish (if we're by the river) rather than stay at home playing XBox any day. 

To end this post, here is a picture of a boy "smile".

* A boy smile is the facial expression boys (well maybe just my boys) give when I point a camera at them and say SMILE!


I received our PD's report of Rohan's Conners Assessment results stating the ADHD-Inattentiveness diagnosis. I filled out a questionnaire and Rohan's teacher filled one out as well. Both results show he doesn't have a problem with hyperactivity or aggression. He does have an issue with learning concepts, following directions, focus/attention and social skills. Teacher doesn't have a concern about his literacy or numeracy though which is a plus point.

We'll be going to see the Educational Psychologist tomorrow. He's going to assess how Rohan learns and give me tools on the best way to teach him. I am looking forward to that. Also he'll be able to point out if anything else if a concern.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

LONG way from where we started

I tend to lose sight of how far Rohan has come sometimes. I think back to when I first found out he was not "normal".

I didn't know if he would ever learn to walk.

At 2 years old
 There was a time when I thought he would never sing a song because he barely talked. 

Or write his name. Or ride a bike.

 Or dress himself. And make his own bed.

He can do all that now. And more! I just lose sight of that, you know. It's something I'm working on. It's gonna take time but I'm trying.

I love this little guy. I have to remember how hard he tries and how far he's come.

ADHD management - our way

This is my little man. He is the reason for the question What is normal? 

A few weeks ago, Rohan was diagnosed with ADHD - Inattentiveness. He is not hyperactive but he is easily distracted and not able to focus when there are distractions. Our PD (paediatrician) suggested I medicate him. As a personal choice, I don't want to. I feel he is too young and most often ADHD is a symptom for something else. I know there a people out there who will disagree with me but this is how I feel about it. So I am trying to do it the natural way.

1) I've changed his diet as recommended by the naturopath. No wheat and no dairy. I'm trying really hard on this. He eats wheat free bread and drinks oat milk but I'm finding it difficult to replace cheese. Have to find alternatives for that one.

2) Behavioural management in the classroom and at home eg reward charts, visual aids (See below). I'll elaborate more in another post.
Visual aids

Basic reward chart

3) More outdoor exercise time. Apparently, this helps to burn energy. Thank god summer is almost here.

4) Homeopathic remedy from the US. I'll write about what I think about it in another post.

Monday 17 October 2011

Here's how it starts

This blog is for, on behalf and dedicated to my son Rohan and all the mums who have sons like Rohan.

Rohan is 6 years old. He is developmentally delayed. Meaning he didn't meet any of his milestones from 6 months of age. He started crawling late, talking late, walking late, etc. That was when I started questioning the word normal in terms of development.

What is normal?

So here Rohan and I go on a journey to find out why he is developmentally delayed and how I can help him.

This is a brief history of how it started. As I go through day to day, I will open up about life with Rohan and what he's been up to since he was 6 months old.

I hope you will enjoy this journey as much as we do.